Monday, 3 November 2014

Emma's Spare Tyre Tummy Award Goes Gourmet in France

Canard - The first bite is with the eyes. Then you taste with your heart and enjoy with your soul. 
The French have many words to express culinary excellence. They have cordon bleu chefs and haute cuisine. My favourite term is La Gourmandise which kinda expresses a perfection of pleasure. It takes into account the ambiance and the sheer joy of tasting a wonderful meal. 

Monk fish - too good to eat, so you savour slowly
A few days ago I had lunch in the village of Taillebourg which lies alongside the beautiful Charente river. This was not the first time I had visited "L'Auberge des Glycines". You can check out my previous post here.

Between us we tasted duck, sea bass, filets de rouget, monk fish, souffle with grand marnier and on and on. We had a pichet of the house Bordeaux red which was as full and smooth as anything I've tasted anywhere.

An experience of beauty
Clearly the guys who run this place take pride in their work. It seems to me that they have a passion to provide an experience of beauty. They sure do succeed. 
Inside there's chocolate and caramel.....

My warmest thanks to "L'Auberge des Glycines". They top the list of Emma's Spare Tyre Tummy Awards.

P.S. They have the cutest boxer dog!
Je suis français, but you can call me Winston.

Elsewhere in life, we are now in Movember. I'm gearing up the machine to draw attention to myself - this time for a good cause as a 'Mo Sista'. The local press have just been on the phone. Oooh - let's hope we sell truck loads of the Movember anthology 'Let's Hear it For the Boys'.

Emma thinx: Take the male out of Female and you find the iron lady

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