Monday, 13 January 2014

Cooking the books with frit-lit

Kitchen scales for a King
Okay - you write a hot sexy action romance novel. So what? These days everyone's mother is an author. So - you think about what people do on this planet. They work blindly and hopelessly trying to please insatiable faceless bosses. They declare wars and pour hate on the other tribe.They divide and sub divide tribe so there's always an enemy. They work out how to keep money in their own pocket. They work out how to get it out of the other guy's pocket and into theirs. If you wanna applaud that endless circus leave now! Still there? Here's the real deal of ennobling human experience.
There's nothing better than a nice tart.

They have loving unselfish sex. They hunger, dream and eat. They taste and worship the other.  This is my department of life. Oh yes - they savor and flavor. They concoct and consume. They tempt and create longing. They mystify and reveal. Their appetites come together in bed and in the kitchen. Forget the wars and and greed. Love and eat. Eat and love. Dip in to the juice of the others and their tribes and know the true meaning of life, belief and human joy. Fellow wo-men  - scrape off all the dividing junk food you've been fed all your lives. Take off and bake off. Fly and get hot. 

Fuel your passion with a meaty sausage

No decent romance novel should ignore food. I'm not talking here about chocographic flavored encounters of the flesh. This kind of stuff is for the sun bed sugar daddies of sclerotic friterature. I'm talking the food and flavor of sexy love. Whether it's a rich sausage toad in the hole, silky salmon slither or tantalizing tart, it's all food for love. 

In my latest book SHANNON'S LAW, boy do they eat and love. The front burner of unleashed passion needs to be fed and fanned. There was only one thing a dedicated novelist and philosopher could do. There's no formula for love - but there's a recipe for passion. Nothing but an accompanying cook book would do. If those lovers you're following can taste it, so can you. Whether it's a heart revealed raw in Venice or a canteen meal in a south London police station, the food of love in SHANNON'S LAW is now a sister book. It's a munchin' of luncheon, its an eye full of trifle it's a stuffed heart palpitating with love. It's COP'S KITCHEN.

Every erotic moment of sexy passion shared is in the novel. Every morsel of tender taste is in the cook book. It's more than love. It's the love of love itself expressed in perfume, aroma and appetite. It's the front line and burner of desire.
If you want to check out how to get the absolute fuel of total world saving love, follow Shannon's Law on Facebook or Pinterest or join my mailing list and get a free copy of Cop's Kitchen. (shipping after 28th Feb).

Emma thinx: Books are hotter than any fire that can burn them.


  1. You're a wonder. I love reading your "stuff." Clever combination the twin passions eating and loving.

    1. Hi Christina, thanks for stopping by. I have so many passions. Next book I'm gonna try and fit in some garden birds, Mahler and Cognac. I can feel a plot coming on ....Emma x


Thanks so much for stopping by. Always so happy to get your feedback. Emma x