Thursday, 30 January 2014

Shannon's Law - On The Trailer Trail

I know I shouldn't be excited. The launch of Shannon's Law looms near. It's all ramping up. The very merry month of February beckons. I've turned down deals from big players out there. I have deflected the harpoons of literary whaling fleets. OK - solid day-after-day writing and marketing novels has expanded the blubber a little. I've invented marketing strategies previously unknown to man. I've already unveiled Cop's Kitchen, the recipes for hot plated action love that accompany Shannon's Law. Today I reveal the pre-release trailer of the main event. This trail follows the course of my Pinterest board which I created during the formation of the book.

Pinterest is a major online resource if you are planning anything from a wedding to the launch of a moon rocket. It's a giant online scrap book. It lets you save the image and the information behind it including the URL link. You could use it to plan a book. You collect all your ideas and images and then follow the trail.

As Shannon's Law has unfolded, I have created a private Pinterest board of more or less everything in the book. If I spin it then I pin it. Now readers can see the whole stripped-off  deal. During the month of February every day will uncover an aspect of the plot on the Shannon's Law Pinterest Board. Different elements of the story will be spread around bloggers of the world. I have already put up some teaser silhouette-clues. As each blogger reveals the background to each shadow, I will pin their revelations to the Shannon's Law Board. If you wanna join in follow the board here

All the wonderful bloggers are listed below if you wanna take a look into their individual worlds.

Shannon's Law Pre-Launch Pinterest-Reveal Virtual Book Tour  List of Blogs and Dates:

31 st Jan
3rd Feb
3rd Feb
3rd Feb
5th Feb
6 Feb
7 Feb
7 Feb
8th Feb
9 Feb
10 Feb
10 Feb
11 Feb
11 Feb
13 Feb
13 Feb
14 Feb

17 Feb
18 Feb
19 Feb
19 Feb
20 Feb
20 Feb
21 Feb
21 Feb
23 Feb
25 Feb
27 Feb
27 Feb

...and the launch day online virtual tea party:

Emma thinx: You can tell a book by its trailer

Monday, 13 January 2014

Cooking the books with frit-lit

Kitchen scales for a King
Okay - you write a hot sexy action romance novel. So what? These days everyone's mother is an author. So - you think about what people do on this planet. They work blindly and hopelessly trying to please insatiable faceless bosses. They declare wars and pour hate on the other tribe.They divide and sub divide tribe so there's always an enemy. They work out how to keep money in their own pocket. They work out how to get it out of the other guy's pocket and into theirs. If you wanna applaud that endless circus leave now! Still there? Here's the real deal of ennobling human experience.
There's nothing better than a nice tart.

They have loving unselfish sex. They hunger, dream and eat. They taste and worship the other.  This is my department of life. Oh yes - they savor and flavor. They concoct and consume. They tempt and create longing. They mystify and reveal. Their appetites come together in bed and in the kitchen. Forget the wars and and greed. Love and eat. Eat and love. Dip in to the juice of the others and their tribes and know the true meaning of life, belief and human joy. Fellow wo-men  - scrape off all the dividing junk food you've been fed all your lives. Take off and bake off. Fly and get hot. 

Fuel your passion with a meaty sausage

No decent romance novel should ignore food. I'm not talking here about chocographic flavored encounters of the flesh. This kind of stuff is for the sun bed sugar daddies of sclerotic friterature. I'm talking the food and flavor of sexy love. Whether it's a rich sausage toad in the hole, silky salmon slither or tantalizing tart, it's all food for love. 

In my latest book SHANNON'S LAW, boy do they eat and love. The front burner of unleashed passion needs to be fed and fanned. There was only one thing a dedicated novelist and philosopher could do. There's no formula for love - but there's a recipe for passion. Nothing but an accompanying cook book would do. If those lovers you're following can taste it, so can you. Whether it's a heart revealed raw in Venice or a canteen meal in a south London police station, the food of love in SHANNON'S LAW is now a sister book. It's a munchin' of luncheon, its an eye full of trifle it's a stuffed heart palpitating with love. It's COP'S KITCHEN.

Every erotic moment of sexy passion shared is in the novel. Every morsel of tender taste is in the cook book. It's more than love. It's the love of love itself expressed in perfume, aroma and appetite. It's the front line and burner of desire.
If you want to check out how to get the absolute fuel of total world saving love, follow Shannon's Law on Facebook or Pinterest or join my mailing list and get a free copy of Cop's Kitchen. (shipping after 28th Feb).

Emma thinx: Books are hotter than any fire that can burn them.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Take a look under the covers - the revealing truth of @EmmaCalin's steamy #Romance #Novel SHANNON'S LAW


SHANNON'S LAW  by Emma Calin

Today's the day - the worldwide 'Cover Reveal' for my forthcoming contemporary romance SHANNON’S LAW. It's is the second in my ‘Passion Patrol Series’ - steamy action-romances that feature sassy female cops who solve crimes, catch crooks and always get their man.


Wild child inner city cop Shannon Aguerri walks a dangerous line between her methods and justice. When the bosses lose their nerve, after yet another maverick mission, she is transferred to green pastures to play out the role of a routine village cop. When she encounters signs of people and drug trafficking she homes in on serious millionaire criminals. As a loner she has attracted men but nothing has stuck. When she meets Spencer, the hunky and widowed Earl of Bloxington, there is an immediate rapport between them. Their social differences mean nothing to their passion and need. Already in the mix is an upper class female rival – who has long plotted her way into the Earl's bed. The jealousy is an evil shade of green and the anger is a violent scarlet. Often inhibited by a sense of duty and honour, Spencer is slow to reveal his feelings. When Shannon confronts him with the need to choose between her word and that of her rival, he does not immediately support her. All the same, when they are forced together to carry out a desperate rescue mission, their love is stronger than everything ranged against them.
(Pre-order paperback only at this stage)

I will be revealing snippets from the story, photos of places and people that inspired the venues and characters on Pinterest during my pre-launch book tour. There are already some scrap-book cuttings posted, take a look and follow my board to get updates: 

There is also news about the book on Facebook:
(‘Likes’ are always appreciated.....)

I’m having two launch parties “Afternoon Tea At Bloxington Manor”. The first is online on the 28th February on Facebook and the second is LIVE at the English stately home that inspired the home of my hero on Sunday 2nd March. A local favourite venue for me, Avington Park in Hampshire is steeped in history and tradition. (Think genuine Palladian style rather than Downton Abbey neo-Jacobean). The private owners have kindly agreed to open up for us with a tour of the house and then tea and cake – oh and launch the book of course!

ooooOOOO    Shannon's Law Cover Reveal Draw     OOOOoooo
$30/£20 Amazon voucher
A pair of tickets to my Avington Park Launch Party 2nd March (UK only)
3 Advanced Review Copies of Shannon’s Law
EVERY entrant will receive a FREE gift of an audiobook of my short story Escape to Love.

Just click here: a Rafflecopter giveaway to register to win - either 'like' the Facebook page or comment on this blog to qualify for an extra 2 chances.
Good Luck!

You can share in Shannon's Law too - I have a range of SPONSORSHIP Options: get your name in the book, get tickets to the launch, your logo on the cover or even sponsor the dedication page in honour of your lover for the ultimate St Valentine's Day gift! 
Visit  The Shannon's Law Landing Page for details 

A big thank you to Goddess-Fish Promotions and Fiction Addiction Book Tours for helping to set up the following blogs which are also supporting this Cover Reveal Event

1 Bunny's Review
Farm Girl Books
Theresa M Jones
Rage, Sex and Teddy Bears
The Sinner Author
Aly's Miscellany
The Ragnarok Legacy
Rose and Beps Blog
Sarah Ballance
Dena Garson - Real... Hot... Romance
Girl meets Books
The eBook Reviewers
Kit 'N Kabookle
The Book Review
Laurie's Thoughts and Reviews
Brooke Blogs
Doing Some Reading
Harlie's Books
Queen of the Night Reviews
Reviews by Crystal
The Reading Addict
Beyond Romance
Ever After Romance Book Blog
Sharing Links and Wisdom
Margay Leah Justice
Reynold Conger Would Not Write if It Were Not Fun
Nickie's Views and Interviews
Perfect Chaos
The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat
Welcome to My World of Dreams
It's Raining Books
Straight from the Library
Long and Short Reviews
Blood Moons and Nightscapes
Travel the Ages
A Writer's Life
Wake Up Your Wild Side
The Certifiable Wenches
Room With Books
Our Wolves Den
Dawn's Reading Nook Blog</>
A to Z Reviews
Bookgirl Knitting
Sexy Adventures, Passionate Tales
Wickedly Wanton Tales
Hope. Dreams. Life... Love
Full Moon Dreaming
Wicked Readings By Tawania
Books to Light Your Fire

50. Bonnie Trachtenberg
51. Celtic Connexions
52. Cometbabesbooks
 53. Sheryl  Browne
54. Chicklitpad
55. Anneli's Place
56. Brook Cottage Books
57. All things books
58. Mandy Baggot
59. Me My books and I
60. Kim The Bookworm
61. Patricia Sand's Blog
62. Bookalicious Travel Addict